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Discover the unlimited potential that the Hexabar bar profile can offer you!

Our courses are designed to learn how to get the most out of our incredible Hexabar bar profile.

They are a unique opportunity to deepen your knowledge of Hexabar, resolve any questions you may have and discover all the advantages it can offer you in your dental laboratory or clinic.

If you are interested in participating in the courses, we recommend that you reserve your place as soon as possible, since places are limited due to the in-person modality.

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Sign up now for our next course and make sure you don't miss out on this unique learning opportunity!

Never run out of space!

Gracias! La reserva de tu plaza está en marcha!

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Curso Protocolo Híbridas con perfil de barra Hexabar.
25 de Mayo 2024. Novelda, Alicante.

Curso Protocolo Híbridas con perfil de barra Hexabar.
6  de Abril de 2024. Tenerife

Curso Protocolo Híbridas con perfil de barra Hexabar.
9 de Marzo de 2024. Novelda (Alicante)


Tecnología dental avanzada


Tecnología dental avanzada
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